Saturday, 15 August 2020

3D-printing Valour Korps... pt. II

After painting the two test models I am pretty happy with the colours I have selected for my Valour Korps. 

For these models I took inspiration from a historic colour scheme, namely that of 1939/1940 German Infantry. Using Feldgrau for the uniform and grey for the trousers. I further used various browns for pouches, gasmasks and belts and dark grey for the helmets, armour and boots... 

These models, just like the Feudal Guard, are designed by The Makers Cult and are available through their Patreon and their CGtrader website.

Same as with the Feudal Guard, these models are intended for use with Kill Team, but as time goes on I might expand them into a full Astra Militarum army... 

I'm designing and printing custom bases for these models too. It's the same basic shape as the bases my Feudal Guard use, but without the stone paving and with differently styled names. I chose to leave the top empty so I can add some mud (I think that suits the style of the models better than stones)...

For now, the Valour Korps range is quite limited as it has only been started last month. It currently features two character models and a regimental Command Squad. Over the coming months the range is set to expand and include many more units... If the Feudal Guard is anything to go by, the range will be very extensive indeed... 

For now I have based and primed the Marshal, the Sergeant, two Veterans and the Comms Specialist. I have also printed the Banner Bearer, but have no direct use for the model (yet)...

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